Tuesday, May 31, 2005

First, in a Series

Who says I can't do three blogs?

This morning I headed into Chico to begin training for the Portland Marathon, doing a walk in the park...which, as it turned out... it wasn't.

My right foot has been bothering me off and on for the last six months and so I kept putting off the training date. Since my calendar was off by one day, I thought that today was June 1st and that sounded like a good date to begin.

I started off strong, just a few hitches in my stride at first and those went away as I warmed up. My plan was to do 4 miles and then as the first few miles went so well, I upped it to 6 miles. That was my undoing. Oh, I completed the 6 miles all right. But now I'm limping again. My right foot, of course, feels like it has been through the mill. I had a chance to change my mind at the 2 or 3 points along the way, but no! I had to be some sort of hero.

With any luck at all I will be OK for a 3 mile walk tomorrow and then a "gradual" return to the higher numbers.

And while I was walking, I noted that I need to bring my mini-tape recorder next time. I have plenty of thoughts that seem important at the time while I'm walking and I sure can't stop to write them down.

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