Friday, June 27, 2008

As Promised

After having that cortisone injection in my back yesterday, I’m feeling a little better this morning. The plantar fasciitis symptoms in my left foot are down to a pain level of 2 where they were at a 6 or 7 up to the time of the injection. That is so good! The right hip pains have moderated as well.

Isn’t that odd that arthritic compression around the nerves in the spinal column can cause pain of two different types and on opposite sides? Am I cured? Not yet. The cortisone was given to try and identify the nerve that was causing the problem. Another visit will be required to actually block the signal from that nerve. Despite the pain from the actual injection, I'm looking forward to it. But that's 2 weeks away at least.

In the meantime, my right hip feels 'fragile', as if I shouldn't strain it. So I will avoid the temptation to see just how far I could walk. There will be a marathon next year. But, to be on the safe side, I really need to get my 5 marathon tattoos done; I'll get the 6th one afterward.

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