Saturday, July 09, 2005

Another Day...90 to go

I was going to try a much longer walk today since the temperatures were right for a maximum effort. But I soon felt the effects of “Uncle Chong’s” dinner from last night. That, and a pinch of pain from my right foot made the decision easier for me and I quit after 92 minutes. And to compound my problems, the battery on my GPS unit failed about ¾ of the way through. I had been keeping up a 4.3 mph pace and I maintained that easily to the end.

I should note here that this is the 100th anniversary of the year that Annie Bidwell gave her private park, “Vallombrosa”, to the public for a fee of $1. What a magnificent gift! It’s a gem among parks and irreplaceable. Though, even today there are those would gladly sell off parts of it to finance some city scheme. These are the people who think a nice park is an acre or two with some ball fields on it and any more than that is simply wasted on the average citizen. A pox upon them!

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