Sunday, June 11, 2006

Dumb and Dumber

That was a workout! We did something over 19 miles on the Bizz Johnson Trail yesterday. And we did it in 4:44. Since we had conflicting data from Jill’s GPS unit, we had to estimate our distance and time. I am going to have to guess that we were doing 15 minute miles…which isn’t all that bad as we had decided to do a long and slow walk. So, “slow” it was.

The trail is certainly not up to its marathon condition; it still has lots of ruts in it and the off trail detours for the tunnels make for slow going. Hopefully those will be fixed before the marathon in October.

We made one serious error yesterday; we didn’t have a plan as to how far we were going to walk and we didn’t bring any water with us. Dumb! But the good news is the fact that we didn’t die…we were simply uncomfortable for the last 7 or 8 miles. That tells us that we’re in pretty good shape, physically. Mentally? That’s a different story.

Now the training plan goes into a relaxed mode; we know we can do the 26.2 miles. I’m thinking of doing one 3-mile race pace walk on Tuesday, just to tune-up before the marathon on Saturday.  

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