Tuesday, June 07, 2005

4.16 MPH

That's my speed for today...or 14.42 minute miles. Certainly not my best. I was doing 11 minute miles every day back in 2002. But it's a start.

The highway walk is definitely different than my walks in Bidwell Park. To be truthful, it's safer and less stressful. The last time I was in the park I was confronted twice by people who were having a terrible time trying to control their dogs. Why do people own dogs like that? And then I was constantly being passed by cyclists who ignore the polite method of letting you know they are about to pass you..."On your right" is the preferred method of hailing a walker who is on the path. But no, these cyclists never say a word and flash past you, causing you to be startled. Very good for your heart!

The highway walk does have it's drawbacks as there is no sidewalk to give you a little safety from approaching traffic. And that traffic is going about 60 mph. And you have those exhaust fumes to deal with as well. You also get a closeup view of all of the detritus that society flings out the windows of their cars, cigarette butts, cans, bottles and the occasional "road kill".

The good part is the fact that I feel stronger today and my attitude is more positve...Now I guess I better weigh myself and see what this does for my weight control. When I did the 2001 Portland Marathon I weighed 200 pounds, with a low weight while training of 197. Can I do that again?

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