Thursday, June 30, 2005

Walk in the Park

Today was simply a walk in the park. Yes it was. Bidwell Park to be exact. And I spent 98 minutes going 7 miles, which averages out to 14 minute miles. Pretty good!

I started about 9 and was immediately worried as to whether or not I could finish a full circuit. The temperatures weren’t bad, but the humidity was quite high. And I knew the problem would only get worse as the miles went by.

But, about halfway through I noticed that I was holding to a 4.3 mph average and felt that I could make it to the finish. (6 ½ miles)

In fact, when I came to where I had parked my truck, I decided to walk on…and I went another half mile just for fun. So my goal to become more fit and increase endurance is already showing some rewards. I knew at the time I passed my truck that I could have made another circuit of the park if I had wanted to.

I did get off to a bumpy start as I couldn’t seem to come up with the correct gait to use. I kept sliding out of a speed walkers gait and into a racewalkers form. Back and forth it went as I tried to settle into one or the other gaits. After about a mile I was into speed walking and left it there.

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