Friday, June 10, 2005

Into Town

Just got back from a long walk into town...I went all the way to 3rd Street before turning around. I'm not sure of the distance yet, but it did take me 1 hour, 24 minutes and 40 seconds. I'm going to estimate the distance at 5.7 miles.

It was fairly early, so the heat wasn't a problem at first. I can see that I will need to start earlier in the days to come, as the heat was becoming a factor on the return leg. What a dilemna! The park, filled with dogs and cyclists...but cooler! Or the trip to Orland, surrounded by traffic and asphalt. I'm leaning towards more park time. But the Orland route doesn't require a 30 minute 1-way drive to Chico. As I said, a dilemna.

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