Thursday, June 09, 2005

A Walk in the Park

OK, I did half of a half...marathon that is. 6.55 miles which is once around Bidwell Park and one short walk up and back the path where "Victory Lane" is located on race day. I kept it under 15 minute miles and that is a good thing. But the best part was doing the distance and building some endurance. The day was quite cool and so I didn't break a sweat until almost 25 minutes had passed. And there were very few walkers/runners/cyclists out today. I can understand the cyclists not wanting to be there; the wet road puts a dirty black stripe right down the back of their best shirts.

It really is a great park when the crowds are not present. I only saw one dog person with a problem...she had 3 huskies on leashes and she had a look of terror on her face as she was being dragged down the path. She smiled bravely as she passed me...

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