Monday, September 12, 2005

Day 26

The walk went better than expected. I did the 6.25 mile circuit in 77 minutes. That's a 12.3 minute per mile average. The first 2 1/2 miles went by and and I was at 4.9 mph and then I felt what seemed to be a shin splint, so I slowed down and kept the pace at 4.7 mph for awhile. That seemed to do the trick as when I looked at my GPS unit around the 3 1/2 mile marker, I was back up to 4.9 mph and kept it there for the duration.

It's odd, but every time I start my walks, it takes a few miles before my muscles get into the rhythm I need to maintain a steady pace. And I have also found that it's true...I can't walk and do something else at the same time. If I try to find a kleenex in my pack, my feet get all confused and suddenly I'm slowing down!


The Demon Sun said...

What template are you using?

Steven said...
