Friday, September 02, 2005


I decided to do a one mile event this morning, as I'm still not at 100%. I had done a measured mile once before, in 2002, The Fleet Feet Capitol Mile. This race is up and back on the Capitol Mall in Sacramanto. It's also a judged racewalk and that was my undoing back then. I decided to do a practice walk of 5 miles before going down to the event. During that practice, I had done a 10 minute mile and so I felt tired, but confident. The race was a disaster as I failed to make an 11 minute mile and ended up dead last. Why? I was dumb enough to think that I had enough in me for two races, one real and one practice.

This mornings one mile event took all of 10.50 minutes, so I was getting a good cardiac exercise.

Weight 201.8 (Mostly water) BFI 24.3 BP 124/67 Pulse 56

I wonder if the elevated BP is because of the additional water I have been drinking this morning?

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